Pryces of Africa

Serving with Reaching Africa's Unreached in Uganda

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  • You Have Got To Watch This.

    So one of the hardest things to do is to tell people about RAU (, Moyo, the work, and the many other things about Uganda. Without being there and showing pictures and videos it is very hard to show the need of the people there, but also to express our desire to go. Our teammate…

  • Compassion in Action

    But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion. Luke 10:33 Do you see people? Do you see the lost? Do you see your personal responsibility in reaching those people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ? These are just a few of the questions that…

  • A New Day and A New Place

    We are officially moved to our new home in a new city serving with a new church. One of the hard parts of being a believer is the fact that we are called to be willing to go anywhere. The Bible refers to us as strangers and exiles (1 Peter 2:11), yet not without a…

  • A little wandering never hurt anyone.

    Take time. Give God time to reveal Himself to you. Give yourself time to be silent and quiet before Him, waiting to receive, through the Spirit, the assurance of His presence with you, His power working in you. Take time to read His Word as in His presence, that from it you may know what…

  • July 2023 Update

    We are trying something new this month and doing a video update. Let me know what you think. Consider supporting us:

  • June Is Here and Here We Are

    I have been putting off this blog post for a little bit now and its overdue. June is here and if you have been following our journey, you know that we had set a June 30th date to be 100% funded. As of today (6/8) we are not there. Monthly: we are at 21%. One…

  • It’s Already May!

    Happy May everyone! Time is flying by and looking today I realized I had not done an update in over a month! April was pretty busy at home and did not leave a lot of time to do much else. STATESIDE At the end of March we headed to Pennsylvania for Departure Readiness Training. This…

  • Prefield is hard

    Currently we are in what is called: prefield. It means we are preparing to go to the field. It can be less exciting for many watching everything unfold because there is no “exotic location” things happening. It is a normal family asking for money to go do something at a future date that they are…

  • Maturity in Christ

    Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. Colossians 1:28 Good morning and happy March! I don’t know where you are in the world, but here in the southeast US we are getting southern snow or pollen. I encourage you to google it so…

  • What are the unreached?

    Good morning family. I was speaking with a friend this morning and as usual when we talk, we talk for a while and about a lot of things. We spoke on missions and unreached people groups. It was during this that I found myself explaining what an unreached people group. After the call I realized…

Reaching Africa’s Unreached

Our Mission is to reach Africa’s unreached people groups with the
glorious Gospel of Jesus by planting Christ exalting churches in their
midst. Furthermore, we will endeavor to strengthen local churches and
their leaders through careful exposition of the Scriptures in word and
deed that they may be strengthened to plant churches in nearby villages
with  no church and unreached peoples in their geographical regions.

How can you help RAU serve the people of Uganda, South Sudan, Republic of Sudan, and others.